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Small snapshot of third party chances: Suffolk results coming in

11/3 Update on Green Party 0f NYS and ballot line: With 56,868 votes reported at The Washington Post election site, it appears that the Green Party has surpassed the mark and received 50,000 votes for Governor. That means that the Green Party of New York State has automatic ballot status (again). The Green Party will be on voter registration forms. And, it will be much easier for Green Party candidates to run for local offices throughout the state!

11/3 Update on all NY third parties and ballot line: So, it looks like the Green Party has the 50,000 votes. And, there is some chance that the Libertarians could get it, if they pick up a lot of votes on the recanvass, they have 44,696 on the election night tally. So, it is possible, but iffy, for the NY Libertarians. It looks unlikely that the Rent Is 2 Damn High Party, the Anti-Prohibition Party, or the Freedom Party could possibly come out with 50,ooo votes. Look for a chart at The Washington Post: here.

The four pillars of the Green Party are: Nonviolence/peace. Grassroots Democracy. Social and Economic Justice. Ecological Wisdom.

Late 11/4 update on Green Party/Howie Hawkins for Governor: Reports from around the state show that Howie is at 1% in many counties. Though, he was also showing 3% in Albany as results filtered in.

With only 1.15% of precincts in Suffolk County, New York reporting, there are some hints at the chances for various third party candidates to reach the 50,000 vote threshold needed for automatic ballot status.

Howie Hawkins of the Green Party is at 1.06%. That’s fairly good news…

Previous calculations were that if the Green Party could get 1% of the vote, they would probably get the 50,000. Also, New York City – because of their politics – and Syracuse – because it is Howie’s hometown – may have better percentages than the Long Island county of Suffolk.

Below is the Suffolk County Board of Elections snapshot. Note that “Rent Is 2 Damn High” candidate Jimmy McMillan is at almost 1%. So, he also has a chance to become an automatic, ballot status party in New York State.

Governor and Lieutenant Governor (Elect 1)

(Suffolk County Portion Only) As of 11/2/10 9:39 PM
12 Election Districts reported out of 1,047 1.15% 1.15%
2,555 Votes cast out of 6,641 38.47% 38.47%
Candidate Party Votes Share
CUOMO/DUFFY Democratic 1,322 51.74% 51.74%
Independence 113 4.42% 4.42%
Working Families 71 2.78% 2.78%
Total 1,506 58.94% 58.94%
PALADINO/EDWARDS Republican 765 29.94% 29.94%
Conservative 183 7.16% 7.16%
Taxpayers 15 0.59% 0.59%
Total 963 37.69% 37.69%
HAWKINS/MATTERA Green 27 1.06% 1.06%
REDLICH/LINK Libertarian 26 1.02% 1.02%
MC MILLAN, JIMMY Rent is 2 Damn High 25 0.98% 0.98%
DAVIS/GENDELMAN Anti Prohibition 6 0.23% 0.23%
BARRON/DOYLE Freedom 2 0.08% 0.08%

2 Responses

  1. Rosa Clemente is doing a great job right now on Free Speech TV’s live election coverage – she’s representing the greens well.

    Check out her interview with Laura Flanders and Michael Moore regarding the green party and the dissatisfaction among democrats this time around:


  2. […] Comments Annie on Small snapshot of third party …kwilder on 2010 Elections: Election Resul…kwilder on NY State Elections 2010: […]

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