KW: I will tell you that I am a little confused about what is going and where. So, please feel free to hunt down info for yourself. I believe that there is a hearing going on for Congresspeople now about Wikileaks. And, I think Nader is testifying. EFF – The Electronic Frontier Foundation – is tweeting. There are some links below:
Yesterday’s post and announcement at EFF: here.
Directions tweeted today:
EFF is tweeting the House Judiciary Committee’s #WikiLeaks hearing. Watch it here: #WLHearing
A tweet from today, which implies to me that Nader is speaking there? (But, I am not sure):
Nader: rushed or “stampeded” legislation always comes back to haunt its authors #wikileaks #WLhearing
Filed under: activism, News, progressive politics, Ralph Nader Tagged: | congress, EFF, electronic privacy, Nader, Wikileaks
[…] Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wikileaks and electronic privacy… ( […]