On Saturday, May 28th, members of the Long Island peace community will attend the Air Show activities at Jones Beach, as a way to remind people the cost of war, and ask that war not be glorified. See details below, and video from last year at the bottom.
On Monday, May 30th, the South Country Peace Group will be a “presence for peace” at the Memorial Day Parade in Bellport. Details below.
Saturday at Jones Beach:
On Saturday, May 28, at 9am, Long Island peace groups, including LI SOA Watch, will gather at Jones Beach to reflect upon the consequences of wars, to re-commit ourselves to ending war and returning all soldiers safely to their loved ones. Names of the dead will be read and there will be a solemn procession bearing the Memorial Ribbons along the boardwalk. Black arm bands with the peace symbol will be available for you to wear as a sign of mourning.
Time segments: (Park at Parking field 4 and go right to needle)
Reading of the names at the needle 9 – 10:15 am
Procession on the boardwalk 10:15 – 11:15
Sunday in Bellport:
South Country Peace Group urges you to be a
Presence for Peace
at the
Memorial Day Parade
Bellport, Long Island, NY
Monday, May 30, 2011 at 11am
You may wish to wear black, or a black armband.
Remember the Victims of War!
Walk for peace and justice!
Location: Community Center on Bell Street and Bellport Lane – meet at 10:45am
Call (631) 286-5879 for more information
Please note: signs and banners are not permitted by the parade sponsor
Video from Jones Beach Air Show and peace vigil, 2010:
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who was at the Jones Beach Air Show?
In addition to the military planes, and historical planes, some people attended the Jones Beach Air Show to remind everyone of the importance of peace, and to ask that the US, and US corporations, not use Memorial Day as a way to glorify war. So, several Long Island peace groups attended the Jones Beach Air Show to vigil for peace, and to read the names of people who died in the war. There is a video above of a similar event held last year (2010).
Q: Who was that group at the Jones Beach Air Show?
Several groups participated in a peace march/peace procession and vigil at the Jones Beach Air Show. Among the groups were: Long Island Pax Christi and Long Island School of the Americas Watch (LI SOAW).
Q: What were the pink ribbons at the Jones Beach Air show?
The pink ribbons were a display by the group Code Pink. Code Pink was among the Long Island peace groups who attended the Jones Beach Air Show to honor veterans, while demanding peace. The ribbons represent soldiers who have died in the War in Iraq, as well as Iraqi civilians who have died in the War in Iraq. See an explanation at CodePink: here.
Filed under: activism, afghanistan, Anti-War, events, Holidays, local, long island, Long Island Politics, News, Peace, politics, progressive politics, US Politics, video, war Tagged: | Jones Beach, Jones Beach Air Show, Long Island events, Long Island Memorial Day, Long Island peace, Memorial Day, peace demonstrations, peace video, South Country Peace Group, Suffolk County peace, Suffolk events, things to do on Long Island
[…] Two events and one video: A solemn, anti-war, Memorial Day Weekend on Long Island (www.onthewilderside.com) […]