Challenges the County, Towns, and Villages to Also Adopt It
The Green Party of Suffolk, the county’s largest peace organization, has adopted the US Conference of Mayors’ resolution “Calling on Congress to Redirect Military Spending to Domestic Priorities.” The Green Party of Suffolk calls on our villages, towns and the county government to also pass the US Conference of Mayors’ resolution. The website of the Green Party of Suffolk is
Green Party of Suffolk County Legislator candidate Cesar Malaga (District 14) calls on all Suffolk residents to
Join the Green Party in speaking out at village, town, and county legislative meetings for our local governments to adopt the Mayors’ resolution. Demand our local officials go on the record on whether they stand with Wall Street war profiteers or Main Street taxpayers
Malaga continued:
I respectfully request that my county Legislator Wayne Horsley put the US Conference of Mayors’ resolution before the County Legislature for a vote. According to the, these wars have cost the Suffolk County taxpayers over $12 Billion Dollars. Enough is enough!
The resolution reads as follows:
WHEREAS, every member of the US Conference of Mayors and the Americans they represent, support our brave men and women in uniform and their families;
WHEREAS, the drawdown of troops should be done in a measured way that does not
destabilize the region and that can accelerate the transfer of responsibility to regional authorities;
WHEREAS, the severity of the ongoing economic crisis has created budget shortfalls at all
levels of government and requires us to re-examine our national spending priorities; and
WHEREAS, the people of the United States are collectively paying approximately $126 billion dollars per year to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan; and
WHEREAS, 6,024 members of the US armed forces have died in these wars; and at least
120,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since the coalition attacks began.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the United States Conference of Mayors
supports efforts to speed up the ending of these wars; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the United States Conference of Mayors calls on the
President and U.S. Congress to end the wars as soon as strategically possible and bring these war dollars home to meet vital human needs, promote job creation, rebuild our infrastructure, aid municipal and state governments, and develop a new economy based upon renewable, sustainable energy and reduce the federal debt
The Green Party, which is America’s peace party, has nearly 1,500 members in Suffolk County. The Green Party has been in the forefront of the peace movement by actively organizing against the ongoing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya. They have consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
The Green Party has always been part of the national peace movement. The Green Party’s opposition to these wars has been expressed across the board. The anti-war position has been as local as Green Party members marching in a Smithtown peace vigil while U.S. bombs were first being dropped on innocent Afghanis. National and State Green Party candidates have sepent the last ten years reapeating the call to end these wars immediately. Nonviolence is a core principle of the Green Party and was adopted as part of the party’s official principles, along with grassroots democracy; ecology; and social and economic justice.
The Green Party is an alternative party to the Democrats and Republicans. The Green Party of New York is now a ballot-qualified party, so they are listed on the new voter registration forms. On the old voter registration forms, you can enroll in the Green Party by checking the box marked “Other” on the voter registration form and writing in the word “Green” on the line next to it.
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Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, afghanistan, Anti-War, election, elections, green, Green Party, local, long island, Long Island Politics, new york, New York State Politics, News, suffolk, suffolk county, third party, US Politics, war Tagged: | budget, Deficit, green, parties, politics, suffolk, Suffolk County, united states, United States Conference of Mayors
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