A peace symbol, originally designed by the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament movement (CND). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Green Party of New York State Presidential Nominating Convention on May 19,2012 in Troy, NY
Join other New York State Green Party enrollees at the Oakwood Community Center in Troy, NY on May 19th for the GP NY’s 2012 Presidential State Nominating Convention! This is your chance to vote for your preferred presidential candidate to represent the Green Party in 2012, in addition to voting for New York State delegates to the Green Party National Convention in Baltimore, MD this coming July.
If you are unable to attend the May 19th Convention in Troy, NY then you may print, notarize and mail in a ballot to vote your presidential preference (PDF). Only notarized ballots from registered NY State Greens will be counted. Ballots must be received at the Secretary’s address by May 18th, 2012 in order to be counted at the State Convention. You have the option of assisting the process by printing out (and sending) proof of your voter registration from https://voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us/votersearch.aspx. Make sure you change the listing to the appropriate county.
For more information, go to the Green Party of Suffolk’s web site at http://www.gpsuffolk.org .
Green Party members from Suffolk County who would like to be delegates to the National Green Party Presidential Convention, can contact Green Party of Suffolk chair Roger Snyder at chair@gpsuffolk.org.
Growing Number of NY Green Party Candidates
Greens around the state are stepping of to run for office. A growing list can be found online here. To find out how you can be a Green candidate, contact the GPNY Campaign Committee, or your local county Greens.
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Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, Election 2012, grassroots democracy, Green Party, New York State Politics, News, presidential, Press Release, progressive politics, suffolk, suffolk county Tagged: | convention, Green Party of New York, Green Party of Suffolk, primary
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