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Memorial Day Weekend: Think PEACE events on Long Island

Memorial Day weekend offers many chances for people who cherish peace to reach out to their neighbors, and discuss the importance of ending war. This morning, Long Island activists demonstrated for peace at an annual air show, which glorifies military might. That story below. Afterwards, two Long Island peace events you can still attend this holiday weekend.

An excerpt from Newsday:
(Newsday is subscription-only)

…About 35 demonstrators stood at the entrance to the show [The Air Show at Jones Beach] near pink ribbons they’d tied to a railing. They stood in a line holding photos of members of the U.S. military who have died in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Judy Gardner, 65, of Huntington said, “I want people to remember Memorial Day isn’t a day to glorify war but to remember people who’ve lost their lives. The air show, she said, “leads young people [to] think war is a game. It’s not a game.”…

[Note on crowd estimate: The demonstration lasted several hours. An activist report says there were 60 peace demonstrators there. Newsday says 35. Discrepancy could be in time counted.]

Sunday, May 27th, demonstrate for peace in Patchogue
Monday, May 28th, demonstrate for peace in Bellport

See details at readmore…

Sunday, May 27, 2012 in Patchogue
The Square at at Capital One Plaza
(where Occupy Patchogue often gathers)
Music beings 3:30pm

Please join South Country Peace Group, Women In Black, and Veterans For Peace LI, on Sunday, May 27th for the monthly reading of the names of those killed in occupations in the Middle East. The vigil will begin at 3:30 with music and the reading of the names will begin at 4:00 until 5:00pm.

Our presence will be a somber reminder to those who might be picnicking, and forget what Memorial Day is truly about. Hope to see you there!


Monday, May 28th, 2012 in Bellport

South Country Peace Group urges you to be a
Presence for Peace
at the
Memorial Day Parade
Bellport, Long Island, NY
Monday, May 28th, 2012

Location: Community Center on Bell Street and Bellport Lane – meet at 10:45am
Call 286-5879 for additional information

(Please note: signs and banners are not permitted by the parade sponsor.)

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One Response

  1. […] Memorial Day Weekend: Think PEACE events on Long Island(onthewilderside.com) […]

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