[10/17/12 Update: 2012 Hofstra Debate Photo Gallery at Flickr: here.]
The Hofstra Presidential Debate will happen in Hempstead, Long Island on Tuesday, October 16, 2012.
Individuals who would like a chance to speak up, or speak out, or ask questions to the crowd, are allowed to sign up for time on stage in the “Public Area”, about one fifth of a mile away from Hofstra’s gates. You can find more information about that at Hofstra’s debate website: here.
Activists and occupiers will also be gathering around the debate scene. You can find out information about the occupy event on the FaceBook event “Occupy The Debate! Protest the Presidential Debate on Long Island” (and at the bottom of this post).
The two corporate party candidates will be inside talking hot air to hand-selected crowds. Outside, occupiers, activists, peace workers, and third party supporters will gather to share their messages and air their grievances.
Video from the protest scene last time around (2008):
Above is the video from the 2008 Hofstra Presidential Debate protest and Public Area. It includes music, speeches, and lots of familiar friends from the Long Island peace and activist community. It is heartening to see how the peace movement came out in full force. Hope there is a strong anti-war component to the protest this year, too.
More video details:
Images from the peace demonstration surrounding the 10/15/08 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University. This is from the early afternoon, and has footage of a LI Veteran for Peace speaking from the Public Area/Free Speech stage. Also includes various partisan and non-partisan activists: Ian Wilder, Johnny Phillips, Sister Jeanne Clark, Camillo Mac Bica, and a cameo by a Brooklyn Green.
Some Tuesday/Debate Day events:
As my husband notes, there is going to be a big crowd. If you like, show up a little before 3pm, and look for people who have signs like you! (I would also say, stay alert, bring water, and use the buddy-system if you can. We have heard of activists with plans to be near the debate from 3pm to 10pm
Hofstra just posted the Public Speaking notes. Some highlights – Mac Bica at 5:30 – Anthony Zenkus (Adelphi/Occupy) at 6:20 – Ian Wilder at 6:30 – TBA from Occupy The East End at 6:40. And, Brooklyn for Peace at 9:10. http://www.hofstra.edu/Debate/debate_publicarea.html
Not sure the details or sponsors, but last I heard, some peace and justice folks will gather at 3pm at the south corner of Hempstead Turnpike and California Avenue
The Jill Stein/Green Party folks, largely from NYC, have plans for a march around 4pm. Check in with fellow greens or their website for info. Not sure the logistics.
The occupy event has evolved a little bit. It would be best to check in with some of your activist and/or occupying friends to see where they are at now. I think they are trying to stay stuck together among the other groups and protests happening.
Occupy The Debate! Protest The Presidential Debate On Long Island
Public Event · By Occupy The East End (Where the 1% Vacation)
Join us! Our message to the candidates and the masses is WE DO NOT SUPPORT A SYSTEM THAT DOES NOT REPRESENT US!
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Time: 4pm [or 5pm?]
(The fliers seem to say it starts at 5pm. The main event of the debate does not start until 9pm, but you would have to be there way before then to get parking and find a spot to stand.)
The “Public Area” will have speakers scheduled from 3pm to 11pm. So, that may also shape the timing of the other protests.
Address for Hofstra to put in map or GPS system:
900 Fulton Avenue, Hempstead, NY 11550
Directions at the Hofstra website:
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, Anti-War, debate, Election 2012, local, long island, Long Island news, Long Island Politics, News, Peace, Photos, politics, presidential race, progressive politics, social & economic justice, US Politics, war Tagged: | Hofstra Debate, Hofstra Debate Photos, Hofstra Presidential Debate, hofstra university, Sign up to speak at Hofstra Debate
[…] Hofstra Presidential Debate protests: 2008 and 2012 […]