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LIPA hearing in New York State Senate

LILCO failed Long Island! We tried privatization years ago. Then, we were promised a “people’s power authority” with elections. That was squashed. And, Governor Cuomo and others want to go BACKWARDS to privatization.

See the discussion live from the NY State Senate.

There is some spunky questioning going on now (Wednesday morning and lunchtime). See what may happen with Long Island Power Authority!!!

You can find the page, with info and related links at:

The Moreland Commission folks are very closed-lipped and posturing. They are claiming they can’t answer some (very easy) questions, because they are still working and have not made their report.

Background, etc:

Blame Cuomo, not LIPA article at onthewilderside: here


Some questions:

-How the heck will a private company make a profit, when LIPA had priveleges like FEMA funds, etc. to support it, that a private company won’t have.

-Has the Moreland Commission (insetad of just blaming LIPA) compared what happened with LIPA and Sandy, compared to how small, municipally-owned power authorities handled Sandy? (The Moreland Commission person totally dodged that question.)

“Moreland has pretty much bought into privatization” (Just one speaker’s opinion.)

-David Daly of LIPA is speaking real beaurocracy-eese. He also seems to be speaking of addressing customer service in the “superficial” way of addressing complaints and handling customers well psychologically. Which, to me, is not making the service better, or the price better. It sounds mostly like making things look good on paper, and making sure you better grease the “squeeky wheels”. I would like to study what he is saying, because I don’t understand it all.


From the NY State Senate website:

Senate Standing Committee on Investigations and Government Operations

Chair: Senator Carl L. Marcellino

Public Hearing: The Future of LIPA – To examine the best course of action to ensure the
residents of Long Island receive the electrical and customer service that they
deserve at affordable prices

Place: Van Buren Hearing Room A, Legislative Office Building, 2nd Floor, Albany,
New York
Time: 11:00 A.M. (to about 3pm)







Oral Testimony by Invitation Only

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

11:00 AM

Hearing Room A, Legislative Office Building

Albany, New York

SUBJECT: The Future of the Long Island Power Authority

PURPOSE: To examine the best course of action to ensure the residents of Long Island receive the electrical and customer service that they deserve at affordable prices.

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) currently provides electricity to more than 1.1 million customers in Nassau, Suffolk and Queens counties. As a non-profit municipal electric provider, LIPA owns the electric transmission and distribution system on Long Island. National Grid USA maintains LIPAs transmission and distribution system under a management services agreement.

LIPA’s inability to provide its customers with respectable and responsible service in a timely manner has come under serious review. Furthermore, the utilities ability to continue servicing its customers is in doubt and proposals are being developed for the future of LIPA.

On November 13, 2012, Governor Cuomo established a Moreland Commission to investigate New York’s power utilities’ preparation and response to major storms that have devastated parts of State over the past two years; mainly Tropical Storm Irene and Superstorm Sandy. On January 7, 2013, The Commission released a preliminary report on Utility Storm Preparation and Response. The Commission considered three options: an investor-owned utility, LIPA assuming authority to manage system and operations, or having an existing public authority assumes the responsibility of running the system. The Commission favored privatizing LIPA as the best option. On January 9, 2013, Governor Cuomo concurred with the Commission’s assessment, recommending the privatization of LIPA in his Annual State of the State Address.

The purpose of this Committee Hearing is to investigate future of the Long Island Power Authority. The Investigations and Government Operations and Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Committees will convene to examine what issues should be considered when changing the structure of LIPA and how to handle issues, such as the utility’s massive debt.

Oral testimony will be accepted by invitation only and limited to 10 minutes in duration. 15 copies of any prepared testimony should be submitted at the hearing registration desk. The Committee requests advance receipt of prepared statements. Written testimony will also be accepted and may be sent to the contact person listed on the reply form. In order to further publicize the hearing, please inform interested parties of the Committee’s interest in receiving written testimony from all sources.

In order to meet the needs of those who may have a disability, the Legislature, in accordance with its policy of non-discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), has made its facilities and services available to all individuals with disabilities. For individuals with disabilities, accommodations will be provided, upon reasonable request, to afford such individuals access and admission to Legislative facilities and activities.

Senator Carl L. Marcellino             /           Senator Michael Ranzenhofer

Committee on Investigations       /            Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Government Operations and Commissions

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