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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] $0.99.

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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana is the subject of the movie "The Duchess" (currently on Netflix) and a relative of the young Prince and Princess of Cambridge. Get the Ultimate Fan Guide -- with plot points, history, and what happened to the historical characters -- for only 99 cents!

  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook cover


    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Annual Green Party of Suffolk Meeting 11/12/16

Green Party of SuffolkThe Green Party of Suffolk will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, November 12th, from . The location will be a private residence, located at 40A Tremont Avenue, Patchogue, New York.  All registered Greens are welcome and encouraged to attend.

For more information about the Green Party, please contact Green Party of Suffolk Chair Roger Snyder at 631-925-6104 or info@gpsuffolk.org.

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Bob Dylan Wilderside posts

Bob Dylan, the 2016 Nobel Prize winner in Literature has of course popped up in several ontheWilderside posts. It  should be expected that we are Bob Dylan fans since one of the goals of this site is to support poetry and folk music.  Our favorite Dylan post is from 10/24/2014:



BOB DYLAN ALLEN GINSBERG from The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg by Jerry Aronson

Here are some other Dylan-related Wilderside posts to stroll through:  Read more »

Southampton Justice candidate Andrea Schiavoni and Criminal Justice

Green Party of Suffolk Update on Green Party Judge candidates and views on Criminal Justice



The Green Party of New York State has a ban on the policy of endorsing Democratic and Republican candidates, because those parties do not agree with the Green Party’s worldwide Four Pillars of Social and Economic Justice; Grassroots Democracy; Ecological Wisdom, and Nonviolence/Peace.

Andrea H. Schiavoni, a Democrat running for Southampton Town Justice, has taken advantage of New York State Election law by placing herself on the Green Party line. New York State election does not require Schiavoni to inform Southampton Green Party members who signed her petitions that the candidate is not in their party or endorsed by their party.

When deciding to vote for Schiavoni in Southampton on the Green Party line, it is a good idea to share the national Green Party’s three goals in the area of criminal justice, which are to:

  • reduce the prison population;
  • invest in rehabilitation: and
  • end the failed war on drugs. Read more »

Toxic Rust Tide spreads in Eastern Long Island

Toxic rust tide spreads across Peconic estuary. Associated with: climate change; high nitrogen levels; runoff. Globe

(excerpt from)
Riverhead Local

Toxic rust tide spreads across entire Peconic estuary, could be lethal
to estuary’s fish, marine life

Riverhead Local /
by Katie Blasl/ Aug 23, 2016

A dangerous algal bloom has spread across the Peconic Bay and all of its waterways at densities that have not been seen since 2012, when a similar bloom triggered a large die-off of scallops.
Rust tide has spread from East Hampton to Riverhead waterways over the past week, posing a threat to marine life in the Peconic, according to the Gobler Laboratory at Stony Brook University.
Rust tide algae, known as Cochlodinium, is more toxic and more dangerous to marine life than the red tide algae that triggered the historic bunker fish and turtle kills last summer…

“When we have extended summer heat as we have seen this summer, a heavy rust tide often follows,” he said.
He [Christopher Gobler, director of the Gobler Laboratory] added that his lab has identified climate change as a major factor in the frequency of harmful algal blooms in local waterways…

High levels of nitrogen in local waterways is a “second, equally important driving factor,” Gobler says…

More at Riverhead Local: here.

Voting for Hillary Clinton? Please read these thoughts from a Jill Stein supporter

Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, and The Green Party…how to make peace, or at least progressive harmony.

Message from a Jill Stein supporter to
reluctant Hillary Clinton supporters

Kimberly Wilder deliberates over Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein

Let’s succeed together in making this country a better place for humanity. Let’s work together, and separately, to send out the best possible progressive mandate for our politicians to respond to in the Fall of 2016.

Electoral politics in America often brings out the worst in people. It is frustrating that activists, leftists, and progressives who work together some of the time, often get utterly torn apart in the excitement (and fear) surrounding who will be the next President.

For me, the world of Facebook has been the most frustrating experience of the 2016 presidential cycle. I have been shouted down by a friend who is a feminist, artist, and Hillary Clinton supporter. She posts Hellfire missives about why we must all vote for Hillary Clinton, because Trump is so bad. And, she sends out subtle, and not so subtle, messages that it is not okay to vote for Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate. Read more »

100 viewing parties for Stein 8/17/16

CNN town hall with Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for president

from the Stein campaign:

 If you’re planning a house party for people to watch the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night, chances are you might not be sure where to start.
The fact is 80 events are already planned all over the country to watch Jill and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka, make their prime-time debut. But we’re thinking big and shooting for 100 parties. 
To make that happen, we want to make sure you have all the tools you need.
So if you’ve got burning questions, please email Mike, our Town Hall coordinator, at townhall@jill2016.com. He’d be happy to help you create a memorable experience. 

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Gender Realities and the Peace/Progressive Movement 8/27/16

Green Party of Suffolk

Saturday, August 27th, 2016 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Commack Public Library
18 Hauppauge Rd., Commack NY 11788


In the earlier days of the civil rights movement, women were often ignored, overlooked, or left out, and gay people, even those planning parts of the movement, were often totally cut out.  Understanding of gender in general, and in the progressive/peace movement in particular, has evolved to include not just women and men, but to also include LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) people, transgender people, and intersex people, including the expansion of women’s issues and community to include transgender and intersex women.  Part of this understanding includes being aware of issues facing LGBT and intersex people, and even being aware what L,G,B,T and intersex mean.  It includes being aware that LGBT and intersex people have been involved in the peace and progressive/civil rights movement all along.  This understanding also means including people of all genders in the current peace/progressive/civil liberties movement.  
This talk will include: 

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Jill Stein campaign on Long Island: Mon. Aug 15, 2016

jill_stein_bLong Island greens will meet to get inspired about the Jill Stein for President 2016 campaign. Jonathan Fluck, National Volunteer Coordinator, will attend. This event is a Green Party of Nassau meeting. Though, all are invited, and many Suffolk Green Party members plan to attend. This meeting is an excellent way to get connected, in-person, with the national Jill Stein team.

From the campaign announcement:

There will be an important Nassau Green Party meeting

Monday, August 15, 2016
7:30 PM
at the Freeport Memorial Library
144 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY 11520.

Jonathan Fluck, National Volunteer Coordinator for the Jill Stein Presidential Campaign, will be our guest at the meeting. He will speak about the campaign and inform us how we can best work to propel Jill’s campaign in the coming weeks and months ahead. Important local races will also be discussed.

Hope to see you all there!
Jill Stein Volunteer Team

Background: Read more »

East End Greens: Archive of first meeting announcement

East End Greens will meet in Riverhead, Long Island, NY on August 10, 2016.

Ian and I are so excited to be working with a recently activated newbie green to organize the first meeting of the East End Greens…

Boog City poetry, music, and theater fest 8/5 – 8/9/16

Welcome to Boog City 10

Ian will be reading poetry at the Welcome to Boog City festival on Sunday, August 7, 2016 at Unnameable Books, 600 Vanderbilt Ave., Prospect Heights, Brooklyn at 12:25 pm. He’ll also be emceeing the next round of poets starting at 1:10 pm. This is especially convenient for our NYC friends who cannot make Ian’s Riverhead reading.

From Fri., Aug. 5 through Tues. Aug. 9, we’ll be celebrating Boog’s 25th anniversary by putting on the 10th annual Welcome to Boog City poetry, music, and theater festival. It will feature 74 poets, 16 musical acts, 8 poets theater plays, 2 poets in conversation with one another, 1 d.a. levy lives visiting press, and 1 panel over the five days.

And here’s who put together Welcome to Boog City 10: festival curator David A. Kirschenbaum; logo Dara Cerv; music Brookes McKenzie; classic album and talk dak; poetry Emily Brandt, Alex Cuff, Buck Downs, dak, Ron Kolm, Kevin Varrone; and poets theater Davidson Garrett.

Among the festival highlights are:

—Boog’s d.a. levy lives series kicks off its 14th season devoting an afternoon to Bushwick, Brooklyn’s Civil Coping Mechanisms;

—Our 52nd Classic Album Live album, Nirvana’s Nevermind, performed live by string-quartet rock band The Tet Offensive;

—our 7th Poets’ Theater night, featuring 8 short plays.

—our Poetry Talk Talk will feature poets Mel Bentley and Alina Pleskova reading and in conversation

—our panel The Exhilaration of Upheaval: Poets Who Write On the Visual Arts in the 21st Century

The full schedule for the event is below this note, followed by performer bios and websites.

If you need any additional information, 212-842-BOOG (2664) oreditor@boogcity.com.

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Bumper sticker: “Green Party: America’s Peace Party”

Green Party: America’s Peace Party. Want to say that on a bumper sticker? You can, by stopping by our Cafe Press shop here:  “Green Party America’s Peace Party” bumper sticker at Cafe Press


History of the “Peace Party” slogan:

In 2006, as Greens in New York prepared for the gubernatorial election, the phrase evolved “Green Party — America’s Peace Party.” Greens in Suffolk liked the idea so much, that local Greens Ian Wilder and Kimberly Wilder decided to turn it into a bumper sticker. That bumper sticker is still for sale at Cafe Press. Read more »

Bards by the Barn 7-29-16

Bards by the Barn Friday – July 29 2016 from 6:00PM – 8:00PM

Riverhead Library

Celebrate the summer with Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court Street, Riverhead, NY 11901.  Join Writers’ Cove poets Jeffrey Watkins, Ian Wilder, and 2013 Suffolk County poet laureate Pramila Venkateswaran. for poetry readings by the historic Yellow Barn, followed by an open mic. (Inside the library if it rains)  Enjoy cold drinks and receive a henna tattoo artist Eakta Gandhi. www.riverheadlibrary.org 631-727-3228  Read more »

Civil Rights Conference hilights Gordon’s MalApportionment Penalty (MAP) initiative.

National Civil Rights Conference will highlight Asa Gordon‘s advocacy for the MalApportionment Penalty (MAP) initiative.

Asa Gordon studies one of his famous map charts. Chicago 2008.

Asa Gordon studies one of his famous map charts. Chicago 2008.

At long last, after a decade and a half of advocacy to enforce “the right to vote” MalApportionment Penalty (MAP) clause in Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (Amend. XIV§2), a clause that mandates proportional allocation of elected representatives based on the popular vote split, or for a state to suffer a “Reduction of Representation” pursuant to title 2 section 6 of the United States Code (2USC§6) for any abridgment of citizen voting rights , the MAP initiative (voting rights “Roots”) will be honored and featured in a National Conference for Civil Rights activists.

The Malapportionment Penalty(MAP) initiative will be highlighted at the 2016 National Civil Rights Conference (NCRC). http://www.civilrightsconference.com/home.html, June 19-22Read more »

Karl Grossman endorses Walt Whitman holiday

from Suffolk Closeup: Remembering Whitman by Karl Grossman

LIer Darryl Ford as Whitman reading at Canio's Leave of Grass marathon 052116

LIer Darrel Ford as Whitman reading at Canio’s Leave of Grass marathon 052116

Suffolk County Green Party activists Ian and Kimberly Wilder, lovers of poetry and nature, residents of Riverhead, have proposed making his birthday a national holiday.

Said Ms. Wilder, a teacher, in an essay that is online (ontheWilderside.com):

“Walt Whitman was born close to me in West Hills…For me Whitman has become a touchstone for something more than beautiful poetry. I first discovered Walt Whitman for myself when he was quoted in a sermon in an interfaith church in Virginia. Then a bookstore colleague of mine read with me from ‘Leaves of Grass,’ and I was awakened to this powerful voice of self, universe, and nature, combined. Since then, I have come to realize Whitman’s amazing gifts as a poet, as political figure, as reshaper of language, as loving brother, and as a complicated and beautiful a person who ever lived.”

“Whitman’s sense of self and poetry are effused with a love and connection to nature,” Kimberly went on. And, she emphasized: “Whitman credited this constant backdrop of Long Island’s pulsing waters for the subtle rhythm in the new poetic language he invented. And as a good transcendentalist, he had a genuine passion for the sea, the sun, and the earth over material goods.”

On a Walt Whitman birthday celebration, she said, “every person and business (especially those on Long Island) should observe 15 minutes of silence. We could stop mowing our lawns, stop driving our cars, click off our cellphones, turn off all buzzes and drones of machinery, and just listen to the silence that enfolds us again in the embrace of nature.”   Read more »