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  • Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] $0.99.

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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana is the subject of the movie "The Duchess" (currently on Netflix) and a relative of the young Prince and Princess of Cambridge. Get the Ultimate Fan Guide -- with plot points, history, and what happened to the historical characters -- for only 99 cents!

  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook cover


    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Weather forecast for New Hampshire primary

The high for today – January 8, 2008 – in New Hampshire will be 62 degrees. The forecast is: In the primary, write-in a Green Party candidate! – On a day like today, how can you not be thinking, “Global warming…eek!”? I am in Long Island, New York, and it is 65 degrees. The Green […]

Green party Prez Hopeful in Illinois 12/8/07

Green Party Candidate for President to Speak In Carbondale Six-term Congresswoman, former Democrat and now Green Party member Cynthia McKinney will be speaking in Carbondale, Illinois on Saturday, December 8th, as part of her “Power to the People” tour, promoting her campaign to win the Green Party nomination for President of the United States. Following […]

Prez candidate rocks the mic 9/28/07

from the Washington Post Tonight at R.F.D. Washington Asheru (of Boondocks and Unspoken Heard fame) will be leading his live hip-hop jam session with his band The ELs along with DJ Roddy Rod on the mix and a performance by Head-Roc featuring Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jared Ball.

Nader, McKinney & Brown on CA Green Party Primary

from Ballot Access News: California Green Party Presidential Primary On September 8-9, the California Green Party held a general assembly in Riverside, California, to decide which candidates to list on its presidential primary. Seven names were submitted to the California Secretary of State: Jared Ball, 35, of Washington, DC; Elaine Brown, 64, of Atlanta, Georgia; […]