[Update: Princess Jessica/Princesa Yesica poem in Spanish at bottom of page] Princess Jessica of Chile He, being first thought dead and now weary from the long ordeal She, having transformed her worries into curling hair, polished lips, and the desire to become a symbol of welcome and life to him He, stepped out from the […]
Filed under: international politics, kimberly wilder, long island, News, poetry, politics, social & economic justice | Tagged: Chile, Chile mine rescue, Chilean, hugs, kimberly wilder, Long Island Poetry, love poems, marriage, mine rescue, miners, mining, Poemas en español, poetry, Princesa Yesica, princesses, safety gear, Spanish language poems, Spanish poetry, Victor Zamora, Yesica Cortez | 5 Comments »
Hofstra Debate: Notes from an eyewitness…
Kimberly writes: So, I was able to attend the debate as a friend of the Green Party. I was sitting in the special seating on the ground floor. Though, in the last row (right in front of the stand for the still photographers.) Some impressions: It was all very exciting. The moderators were Doug Geed […]
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Filed under: 3rd party, debate, Ecology, Election 2010, energy, Environment, green, Green Party, hofstra, local, long island, Long Island Politics, new york, New York State Politics, News, politics, progressive politics, social & economic justice, third party | Tagged: andrew cuomo, Carl Paladino, Charles Barron, debate commentary, energy policy, Governor debate, hofstra, Hofstra Debate, howie hawkins, hydraulic fracturing, hydro-fracking, ian wilder, Jimmy McMillan, kimberly wilder, Kristin Davis, Rent is Too Damn High, Rent is Too High, Warren Redlich | 8 Comments »