The Green Party of Monmouth County and the Green Party of New Jersey (GPNJ) will host a conference addressing healthcare and labor issues on Sunday, February 27,2011 from 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel, 1401 Ocean Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ. The event, which will be held at the Dauphin Grille within the hotel, includes a full buffet […]
Filed under: 3rd party, Action Alert!, activism, Calendar, events, grassroots democracy, Green Party, health, health care, Healthcare, Labor, News, third party | Tagged: Asbury Park New Jersey, cynthia mckinney, Deficit, green, howie hawkins, JEFF SAXON, Margaret Flowers, new jersey, parties, politics, Single-payer health care, Tom Neilson, united states | 1 Comment »