Update 10/25/08: There is a newer Zogby poll that Independent Political Report cites as the latest on 10/25. It is here. (Cynthia McKinney is up slightly from the poll below.)
Discovered the polling date and the link to the article about voter choices over at Independent Political Report. Here is their headline, which includes the poll numbers: “Zogby/WND: Nader 1.6%, Barr 1.2%, Keyes 0.7%, McKinney 0.2%, Baldwin 0.1%”
The related/linked article was very interesting, too. The article is at World Net Daily. Here is an excerpt from the article:
Nearly 2 in 3 voters want someone else
Stunning 62.4% of Americans would like to see better choices of candidates, parties in future
Posted: August 19, 2008
“I think what we see here confirms my observation that there is widespread disenchantment with the two major-party nominees, something that has simply not been adequately measured before this poll,” said WND Editor Joseph Farah, author of the new book, “None of the Above: Why 2008 Is the Year to Cast the Ultimate Protest Vote.” “There is a leaderless, grass-roots movement out there to boycott both McCain and Obama in 2008 – to make a statement, to demand better candidates in the future from better parties.
Filed under: Barack Obama, cynthia mckinney, election, elections, grassroots democracy, Green Party Websites, Green Presidential Campaign 2008, John McCain, News, Political Websites, president, presidential race, Ralph Nader, third party Tagged: | Barr. Baldwin, polls, statistics, third parties, Zogby
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